Essentially, the host has more than one independent channel to access the same logical drive ( using the logical unit number, or LUN) on the storage server. 实际上,主机有不止一条独立的通道可以访问存储服务器上的同一个逻辑驱动器(使用逻辑单元号,即LUN)。
FC ( Fiber Channel) is the interface between Hyper-RAID and the host server. A multiple disk array is also designed by mapping each logical unit to a physical disk in the host using the FCP-SCSI protocol. 它与服务器的连接采用光纤通道接口(FC),利用FCP-SCSI协议,将阵列内部的每个逻辑单元映射为服务器端的一个物理磁盘设备,从而实现了多阵列功能。